Friday, March 14, 2014


Tyrese Gibson, you are so inspiring. I can watch this video over and over again. All that I had thought and known, you had said it so perfectly. Thank you for the reminder. You are a wonderful person and soul.

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Martina Minarevic Sopta

Martina Minarevic Sopta je jedna divna pjesnjikinja. Obozavam njezine tekstove, stihove, i poeziju. Ovo je jedan od mojih omiljenih.

Quick camera tips

Fast shutter speeds freeze your photos
Slow shutter speeds are for taking pictures to show movement. For example, waving your hand will be the movement in a photo unless your entire body is moving. The slower the shutter speed, the longer it takes the shutter to capture the photo. You can have one person, a group, a soccer goal or a boat moving to capture the action.

Compassionate elephant

Humans are not the only species capable of compassion, elephants are too. Elephants are being driven to extinction, and are fighting back just as other animals are too, and just like us who fight to save forests, and pollution of our environment. Even though the elephant destroyed the house, he removed all the debris to save the baby. Elephants are such wonderful creatures! They have families too, and the world wouldn't be the same without them. Please raise awareness to stop killing elephants for ivory! Our Earth, Earth's givings, nature, and animals are all beautiful, and there is so much more to this beautiful life than killing animals for tusks, fur, pollution and deforestation, etc.